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  1. How I Unlock Breakthrough Thinking Every Morning - Reinventing Myself
    April 16, 2021 @ 1:31 pm

    […] been the perfect setting for breakthrough thinking. So much so that it compelled me to revise my morning routine so that I could include a 90 minute walking and thinking session by the […]

  2. We Can't Go Back in Time But We Can Slow it Down - Reinventing Myself
    April 23, 2021 @ 8:30 am

    […] my time preparing for my day in the mornings. I never move too fast in the mornings. I love my […]

  3. How I Reinvent My Daily and Weekly Routines - Reinventing Myself
    April 27, 2021 @ 2:53 pm

    […] me to create space everyday for walking and sitting by the ocean to listen to audiobooks and write daily. Thanks to this local treat, I started a daily habit of writing and publishing to my blog. This […]

  4. The Case for Reading First Thing in the Morning - Reinventing Myself
    May 5, 2021 @ 10:01 pm

    […] to audiobooks while walking and/or running in the morning. This is my favorite 2-for-1 deal in my morning routine! I absolutely love this because listening to books while walking or running gets my creative juices […]

  5. Why I Pay Myself First Every Day - Reinventing Myself
    June 10, 2021 @ 10:36 pm

    […] to morning routines as well. As I reflected on that idea, I realized that my morning routines (documented here) have almost always “paid me first.” That is, before I started my official workday, I […]

  6. Why I Pay Myself First Every Day - Roger Osorio Reinvention
    July 26, 2023 @ 5:44 am

    […] to morning routines as well. As I reflected on that idea, I realized that my morning routines (documented here) have almost always “paid me first.” That is, before I started my official workday, I […]

  7. We Can't Go Back in Time But We Can Slow it Down - Roger Osorio Reinvention
    July 26, 2023 @ 5:49 am

    […] my time preparing for my day in the mornings. I never move too fast in the mornings. I love my […]

  8. The Case for Reading in the Morning and How Start Right Away - Roger Osorio Reinvention
    June 5, 2024 @ 11:22 am

    […] to audiobooks while walking and/or running in the morning. This is my favorite 2-for-1 deal in my morning routine! I absolutely love this because listening to books while walking or running gets my creative juices […]

  9. How I Unlock Breakthrough Thinking Every Morning - Roger Osorio Reinvention
    June 12, 2024 @ 10:01 pm

    […] been the perfect setting for breakthrough thinking. So much so that it compelled me to revise my morning routine so that I could include a 90 minute walking and thinking session by the […]