hosted by Roger Osorio, author of The Journey To Reinvention
Join reinvention expert Roger Osorio as he guides you on how to build an aligned life without sacrificing your income, lifestyle, or values. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to help you create opportunities instead of waiting for them, getting you one step closer to having a reinvention-rooted, glow-up.
Roger Osorio is the Founder of The School of Reinvention, a community-based reinvention platform where he helps people unleash their best selves and build their best lives.
On his journey, Roger was an executive coach and program manager at IBM. Earlier in his career he taught high school and middle school math. Before he reinvented himself into a teacher, he was a national account manager for a commercial refrigeration company.
Throughout his career, Roger has helped educators, students, executives, founders, aspiring entrepreneurs, tech professionals, athletes, and many more to take their ideas, goals, and dreams from concept to creation!